
Hello Green Readers, my name is Meg we are The Whole Grain Family!! Justin and I have a beautiful little baby boy named Oliver Elliot. He has become everything in our lives that we have ever wanted and he is in fact perfect in every way. I am starting this blog five months into his life due to lack of Internet, but I promise it wont be boring. I plan on documenting pretty much everything from our cloth diapering adventures, to how we make our baby food, and our plans to unschool in the future. So sit back, pour yourself a nice bowl of soy-milk and crunchy granola, and let the fun begin!

Now for an introduction...

Hello there! I'm Meg, the Crunchy Mama, and I would like to thank you for visiting Whole Grain Baby!! This is where I pour my heart and life out and hope to get something greatly positive in return. I love to write, but it's much easier to type, so I figured I'd blog. I will be posting every single day (unless outside distractions occur) about my path through motherhood. Many topics will rise from my mommy brain constantly, so I assure you will not "X" out. :) I hope you enjoy, hang around, and come back for some more crunch!

This is version "Newborn Monkey". This was only a few hours after Oliver Elliot was born. May 23, 2011 at 1:21 pm. He was 7 lbs 9.5 ounces and 21 inches long, and had TONS OF HAIR!! Every one always says "It was love at first site!", but it always actually is. He was perfect and Justin and I were possibly the happiest we have ever been EVER when we first saw him. There were "Iloveyous" flying around the room at top speed and of course... crying. Who doesn't cry when they first see their little sprout that literally lived inside their belly for 10 months!? Oh, I have so many more things to say about this topic alone (Monkey's birth), but I guess I'll just have to save that for my lengthy birth story. Keep your eyes out for the post! We love you Oliver Elliot Monkey Dunn!!

This is the Crunchy Papa. I met Justin the first day of my Sophomore year of high school in art class. We were friends for a long time until we finally ended up dating each other instead of the "wrong" people. We have now been friends for almost seven years and dating for over two. We have lived in seven different places together and have stuck together like glue regardless of what happened. We truly have been through a lot of heavy stuff, and even though we fight (like all couples do), at the end of the night we wouldn't rather be with anyone else. We have some of the best times together and have the most fun with Ollie. He really has made our lives amazing. Everyday is more detailed than the last and we notice more and more of the little things. I think having a child really made our relationship more beautiful than it could have ever been on it's own. We should thank Oliver everyday for making two normal, crazy, and simple people into interesting, loving, adventurous parents. I love my boys and I love my life. Thank you honey, and thank you Oliver for being all I've ever wanted and more. I love you both so freaking much. :)


 Why did you start this blog?
I started the Whole Grain Baby blog to document my day to day life with my love Justin, The Monkey Oliver, dog Josie, and everything else crazy in it. I love to write about the things that occur in my life so that I don't forget about them. Everything is too important to just let it sit in my brain behind folders and cabinets. I feel the need to share my interesting thoughts, feelings, and adventures with others, hoping to make some one's day a little better. Moments move too fast and disappear in an instant. I don't want to miss out on anything with Oliver and I would also like to have things for him to read about his life when he's older. Every word counts, and it's easier to type than write haha!

How did you get the name "Whole Grain Baby"?
I was trying to think of a name for the blog that kind of wrapped things up easily and sweetly. I love the term "Crunchy Mama" or "Granola Mama". I love the idea of a family that supports at home birth, breastfeeding, attachment parenting, and things of the sort, and that is what we are. We would be considered Crunchy or Granola parents. Our pediatrician actually called us the "crunchy granola type". I thought it was so cute that parents who support such wonderful things were dubbed the nick-name of a yummy food. I didn't want to use this for the blog though because there are already some out there with very similar names. Then I thought "Hmmm, whole grain bread is kind of like another cute way of describing a crunchy parent." So there it is, random really, but I love it!

I love the name Oliver Elliot, who thought of it?
Justin and I thought of a million different names for boys and girls before we knew what we were having. Here are a few early choices before we knew it was a BOY!

Charlotte Grace                                            
Isabel Charlotte                                            
Atlas Beiron
Oliver Bjorn
Oliver Elliot         WINNER WINNER WINNER!!!!!!!!!!!

After a lot of hard thinking considering our baby would have this name forever, we thought of the perfect combo. I wanted an older name. Something that would be cute for a baby but also able to grow with him into a mature adult name. I loved the name Oliver and hadn't heard it at all yet in my life. Justin first thought of the middle name Elliot. We liked it a lot, but everyone kept making us feel weird about both names having 3 syllables. One day we were at Target looking at a Baby Bjorn training potty and thought "Wow, that's actually a pretty great name!" For almost a month we kept fooling ourselves that his middle name was the classy European Bjorn. One night in bed we said to each other "You know what, this is our son, and WE are the parents, and WE are naming him, and we LOVE the name Oliver Elliot!", and there it is. We went with our guts and our first choice which you should always do. Oliver Elliot is a beautiful name, and now that every one has met him, they see it is the name that fits him perfectly. :) 

Will you be doing item reviews?
Yes. I will be reviewing all of the items I use with and for Oliver as well as some favorites of my own that have absolutely nothing to do with anything besides the fact that they make me smile. :)

What breed is your dog Josie?
Josephine Coffee Bean is a Puggle, kind of Ha ha! She is a rare breed of strange, sometimes annoying, very cute, spoiled rotten, stinky poopy, googly eyed dog. Also she is 25% beagle and 75% pug, hence why she mainly looks pug. 

What kind of camera and editing software do you
I have two different kinds of cameras. Both not really the best but they get the job done. My digital is a Sony Cyber Shot 14.1 mega pixel. I do enjoy this little thing even though it's tiny and Auto Focus. I personally would much rather use my Nikon N55 35mm. This camera is film of course and is either Auto Focus or Manual and I always use manual. I like to feel in charge of exactly what I'm shooting and how it is focused. I also like the quality of film much more than digital. I think film is more real and nitty gritty. It has a softer "I'm alive and real" type of feel. :)

I use a program called Gimp which is for Ubuntu with Linux.

Do you prefer natural light, or flash?
Au-natural of course!! Who likes that artificial stuff anyway? :)

What is your go-to camera and lens?
When I use my film camera, I never change my lens. I have always just used my 35mm lens that came with the camera. 

That's it for now. I'm always willing to answer more questions so keep 'em comin'!!


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