March 28, 2012

Sorryyyyyyyy!!! We're back and BETTER THAN EVER!!

I'm not really sure how many times I can apologize for being gone for so long, but I think i'll shoot for 1 million. :)

I am so sorry that I haven't posted anything in so long. I do have two excuses though. Justin and I decided we no longer wanted to live in our Canton townhouse and chose to move to a townhouse in Jackson and we are much happier. We were having some problems with our neighbor after their dog bit me and things just weren't smooth. We have a neighbor on each side of us where we are now and they are both really nice people with a few children. The one little girl is over almost every single day playing with Josie and Oliver.
The other reason I haven't been able to post is that we haven't had any form of internet. We now have internet and I can now post! I'm so glad to be getting back into the swing of things and I have so many wonderful things to tell you.
First off, Oliver is 10 months!!!!!!!!!!!! Woo hoo!! That's only two months away and he'll he a year old! Honestly it kinda makes me a little sad. I miss my little new born. :( Things are great with him. He is so smart and such an awesome little boy. He now has SIX TEETH! Six I tell you! He also doesn't really bite me anymore when he's nursing. Not on purpose any way. He still sometimes gets a little rough when he's falling asleep and forgets he's nursing, but besides that there are no problems. He's still going strong with the breast milk and loving it just as much as he did when he was a tiny little guy. I still love nursing him too of course and will be so so so sad and heart broken when he decides he's done. He started crawling right after Christmas, and started standing while holding onto things a little after that. He's so fast too! Sometimes we have a hard time catching him. I am still making his baby food though he is now eating more solids. Like this morning he is having cantaloupe! :) how cute
I am still wearing him in his stings and wraps and he still loves being worn just as much as he did when he was just born. He is also still uncircumcised and is not having vaccines. The vaccine topic is a whole other post though for another day.
Oliver and I are both vegan and were about 50% raw a few weeks ago. We are now transitioning into a 95-100% raw vegan diet and it feels great! I started doing a lot of research on youtube and really all over the internet about raw foodism and got sucked in pretty fast. We already have a lot of fresh fruits and veggies incorporated into our diet bur I never really knew that benefits of going completely raw or at least high raw. Let me tell you, soooooooooooooo many great and amazing things. I'm actually going to put up another post later tonight about everything a raw vegan diet can do for you. Along with the new diet change comes videos! Yep, that's right, I am documenting every single day what is going on in our new raw lives! In fact I'm uploading a video right now as I type and it's at 63%. The youtube channel is going to pretty much be a daily vlog about what is going on in our lives from where I am with my weightloss, to how Oliver is doing as a raw vegan baby, and even videos of me “un-cooking” many many yummy things. Like today we are going to have zucchini pasta for lunch with some crushed tomatoes and italian seasonings. MMMMM! I may even do two videos a day! So make sure you check out my channel quite frequently, you wouldn't wanna miss out on anything juicy. :)
I will part for now only to return later for a second post of the day probably after Ollie goes to sleep. Have a wonderful day and Go Greens!!

Health and Vitality

Crunchy Mama and The Whole Grain Baby

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