October 26, 2011

Walkin' Wardrobe Wednesday

My camera is fixed!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There wasn't actually anything wrong with it. I needed a new memory card. Turns out if you use the same one for 2 years, it kinda stops working. Hmmm.

So... pictures, pictures, pictures! Oliver and I went for a walk today to continue our photo session that lasted forever. I haven't been able to take and in so long and was seriously going crazy. So I charged my battery, opened my new memory card, and started shooting. Ok, so anyway, on with the wardrobe!

Crunchy Mama

Dress: Mossimo
Pants: Mossimo
Shoes: Lola (not shown, tan suede flats)
Hair: Half Crown Braid
Make-up: None

Whole Grain Ollie

Onesie:Old Navy
Pants: Baby Gap
Belt: Mama Made!

Our walk was wonderful!!! Ollie had on his cute little dinosaur hoodie and his Aden & Anais Swaddle Blanket. He also had Kai, his home-made giraffe. My step mom made it for him with the colours to match his room and it's so cute! He chews on it all the time now since he's getting teeth. My guess is he really likes the texture of the yarn. :)
We both enjoyed the trees today! They were all so bright and warm toned. It's almost like he wants to go on walks now even more than in the summer because he has more to look at. I plan on doing this Walkin' Wardrobe every Wednesday. Gives me just another reason to take little Ollie outside and for me to work out!!

I won't type your eyes out anymore haha. Here are some photos of the day before and during our glorious walk!! Enjoy

oh my god is he so frickn' cute!!
what is this face?! hahaha <3 it
ollie's book shelf so far. more books in storage from moving
first book!! <3
hair (half crown braid, ombre colour)

Hope you liked <3

Peace, Love, & Working Cameras!


  1. Hello. Ollie looks so cute! I love his little pants and your top ish cute too. your blog is delicious. ha get it cuz ur whole grain. and whole grain is very nice. ok bye. <3

  2. Thanks Matt!!!! I'm so glad you like it!! I enjoy yours quite a lot too and I'm getting ready to comment yours!! Love you!

    Peace, Love, & Hotels!
